6. Introducing TPCK / Matthew J. Koehler and Punya Mishra -- Bridging digital and cultural divides: TPCK for equity of access to technology / Mario Antonio Kelly -- TPCK in K-6 literacy education: it's not that elemen
المؤلف: edited by AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
7. Mafia: money and politics in Sicily, 1950-1997
المؤلف: Ren Seindal; [translated from Danish by W. Glyn Jones]&
المکتبة: كتابخانه وزارت امور خارجه (طهران)
موضوع: Mafia - Italy Sicily,Sicily (Italy) - Politics and government - 1945-